letters to my son | Hue, 7 years old


Dear Hue,

Today, you are turning 7. Everyday I look at you, I am amazed how grown up and beautiful you’ve become. It is bitter sweet that you are becoming an independent boy who doesn’t need his mom’s help or hugs and kisses all the time. I am so proud of you for so many things. You are such a deep and critical thinker, asking all the technical and scientific questions that I often don’t know the answer to. And man! You are persistent! Sometimes you surprise me with your memories with such subtle details. I know you will become a super awesome professional some day.

You can do a lot of things all by yourself now. Since when do you take a shower without my help? Since when do you know how to brush your teeth thoroughly? How are you up in the morning and ready for school before I even take a shower? And now, you can even finish all of your homework, in time, happily, with no fights! Thank you for being kind to your friends and your little brother. It makes me smile when you and Kai are having a blast jumping on the bed, dancing crazy to rock n roll, playing monster trucks, or quietly building legos side by side. Thank you for being you, a wonderful son. I love you always and forever.


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