Letters to my son | Kai, 5 years old


Dear Kai,

Today you are 5 years old. Big Five! It’s hard to believe that five years have past since you came to this world. I still remember when you were a little baby, you would lay in your baby car seat, and while I pushed the stroller you would forever stare at me. You were a content, quiet, and happy baby.

You have been the most cuddliest bear in the house, but recently you haven’t been wanting my hugs or kisses! What’s going on? Every time I try to kiss you, you give me your elbow on my neck! Whatever this phase is, I hope it goes away very soon. I really need to feel your warmth and kiss your soft cheeks everyday!

When I volunteer at school or watch you at play dates, I see that you are such a good boy. You are always respectful with other friends or adults, and you know when to listen, when to play and what bad behaviors are! Your TK teacher, Mrs Hedden, told dad yesterday that you are her best student! Wow! You help her and others students by sitting quietly and not joining the horseplay during class. No wonder you received the “Being Respectful and Responsible” award the other day at the school assembly! I am so impressed and proud of you. We’ve been talking about talking back to me and dad, and using a whinny voice at home. You told us that you get so tired of being a good boy at school all day that “good Kai” runs out by the time we come home in the evening, and that’s why you get whinny at home. You said that’s why we need to go to the park, hike Cowels mountain, or eat ice cream and “good Kai” will come back. Kai, the funny thing is that I feel the same way too! I think we all need the time to play and be silly and do no homework!

Kai, you are so loving and kind towards your big brother Hue. On your birthday, you asked for two swords. I asked why two? You said one is for you and one is for Hue. Kai, you light up my every day. I am so happy that you chose me as your mommy. You are so funny and cute and full of energy, you make me laugh. Thank you Kai. I love you so much.


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