San Diego Maternity Photographer | Darcy and Scott

Maternity & Newborn 8 comments

Here are just a few of my favorites from Darcy and Scott’s maternity session! We set the session up right after their big baby shower. I was so happy when I got there. The property was surrounded by a rose garden, and a cactus garden and beautiful foliage that was all meticulously cared for. Everywhere I looked was beautiful! Darcy looked fabulous with her bright blue dress. There was so much love from everyone who celebrated with the anticipation of their baby boy. I cannot wait to meet baby D next month at their newborn session! DarcyMaternityIMG_0679 copy DarcyMaternityIMG_0705 copy DarcyMaternityIMG_0600 copy DarcyMaternityIMG_0609 copy DarcyMaternityIMG_0617 copy DarcyMaternityIMG_0685 copy DarcyMaternityIMG_0479 copy DarcyMaternityIMG_0466 copy

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  1. Evelyn Molina

    What an amazing combination of colors – deep blues, reds, and greens – that make these photos pop! I also like the peeking dog in the third photo 🙂

  2. Kay Devine

    Thank you so much Evelyn!

  3. Rachel Manning

    Lovely colors and lighting in these photos. I really like your editing style and your creative compositions. I love this location. Looks like a dreamy place for photos.

  4. Merima

    That Spanish architecture is such a classic look for San Diego – what a great place to capture the first family portraits even before baby’s arrival! Hope to see an update!

  5. Sergey

    This is great, to celebrate the new addition to the family with the maternity session! Glad to see the couple has such a big family to support them during an important time in their lives!

  6. CJ Thomas

    Im digging the color in the maternity photos. Great work! Im sure the client is stoked.

  7. Saskia

    What a beautiful place for a photoshoot. The mom to be looks very happy. I love the one where the sit on the bench and the little dog peeks through the window ?

  8. Ashley

    Perfect maternity photography! I love all of the cacti and succulents and floral inn San Diego. The fact that the couple are surrounded by family is so priceless


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Hey there, I'm Kaori and I love to capture the beauty of every momment.

My passion is to create the most beautiful, genuine and timeless portrait. It gives me  joy to know that these images will be treasured and passed down for generations. I cannot wait to make a beautiful portrait for you!


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