PROJECT 365 | Month 1

Personal 9 comments

I have always wanted to do “project 365,” which is a photo a day for a full year. I have never attempted anything like this before, and I am afraid that I will fail. So, I came up with this very convenient and fail proof rule for myself. I am going to do as much photographing in a month as possible, but then I will post my most favorites of the month at the end of the month! It may be 10 photos, or it may be 30 photos! This way I have one whole month to accumulate my images and I won’t feel the pressure to post everyday! Do you think that is cheating? Yes a little bit. That’s okay because this is the start of something new and I am super excited about what might end up in my personal collection!

And with baby #3 coming in April, I may want to shoot everyday!

So without further ado, here is month one of my version of “project 365”. As always, thank you for being here.  XOXOX

KiriIMG_2527_1I looked outside this morning and it was so foggy, just the morning I’ve been waiting for! I took the boys out to the field before we went to school.

LiliaLulucaVisitSD-lowresIMG_2346LiliaLulucaVisitSD-lowresIMG_2337It is difficult to ride a bike when you are 6 months pregnant, carrying a big camera and trying to keep up with the scooter crew.

LiliaLulucaVisitSD-lowresIMG_2366My sister and nieces were visiting from Las Vegas. Thanks to my generous sister, the kids got to eat a whopping $4 a scoop ice cream at the end of the ride.

LiliaLulucaVisitSD-lowresIMG_2453LiliaLulucaVisitSD-lowresIMG_2465Our friend Keith made this temporary ramp for the kids, and our boys have so much fun with it. Kai is still not ready to jump, but he is practicing!


FamHikeIMG_3173FamHikeIMG_3178FamHikeIMG_3217When we say we are going hiking, that means we take our monster trucks! Our hikes always look like this – everyone on the ground, looking for good jump spots, and occasional walking like normal hikers.


Hue still likes to play with his trash trucks. Those trucks have been with us probably 5 years now, and we have so many memories with them.


This boy is so proud that he can tie his shoes all by himself! It typically takes about 5 minutes to tie, and in about 10 minute it will untie on it’s own. But it’s okay! I love seeing him quietly tie his shoes with his little hands.

KiriIMG_2569_1I saw him riding in this beautiful afternoon light and I couldn’t help to snap a photo. Thanks to the rain, our field is green. It is such a rarity.

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  1. Erin Blair

    I love these!!!! And I’m super jealous that your January looks like this!!!

  2. Laura

    So much adventure happening. Love your 365 project so far!

  3. ernie padaon

    really love the ice cream photo! Definitely my favorite of the bunch

  4. Rachel Manning

    What a wonderful idea to start a Project 365! I love your idea to post just your favorites from each month. This kind of project can be daunting. I completed one about 4 years ago and it was so tough to keep it up. I’ve tried again but have failed to bring it to completion, so I love your idea and I may have to steal it. I love these photos you shared. You captured so much beauty in your everyday life. The light and the colors are gorgeous. Congratulations on your new baby arriving soon! What exciting news for you and our family. 🙂


    Thank you Rachel for your sweet comment! I appreciate it. 🙂 I have to say this should be easy for me because I take so many random pictures of my kids, but when I was about to select them, it wasn’t an easy task. Non of them looked, well, portfolio material. But I decided it’s okay because this project was for me, as a mom, documenting my kids as I want to remember all of those moments. It’s sort of like a diary without words. I hope you get to do the same too!


    Ha! And I am super jealous that you have snow!!! May be we can switch location for the weekend!

  7. Merima

    That first photo looks like the opening to a really wonderful movie – really beautiful. Thank you for sharing these family moments and reminding us all to breathe it all in as often as we can.

  8. Sergey

    Such a great idea to do 365 day photography project! I am always up to see photographers personal work! I love the first picture with two boys standing at the hill.

  9. Ashley

    I love this glimpse into your everyday life with your adorable boys! Inspires me to capture mine as well:)

Hey there, I'm Kaori and I love to capture the beauty of every momment.

My passion is to create the most beautiful, genuine and timeless portrait. It gives me  joy to know that these images will be treasured and passed down for generations. I cannot wait to make a beautiful portrait for you!


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