San Diego Newborn Photographer | Baby Max | 10 days old

Maternity & Newborn 3 comments

Meet baby Max. He is only 10 days old!
I met him for the first time at Fresh48 newborn session a few weeks ago. He was so calm, happy and content that I knew he was going to be one of those easy going babies. I was right. This time too, Max was so cute, chubby, and happy! It was so much fun hanging out with this family. I didn’t need to make any jokes to help relax the parents, because they were cracking me up the whole time! I love the faces Max makes. I love that changing diapers is a two-person job. I also love the little tiny noise he makes. Welcome to the world Max! You are so loved.

Newborn photography is one of my most favorite! It gives me the most satisfaction and happiness. Can you tell? If you want to check out the slideshow video of baby Max, click here. Enjoy!

Newborn_Photography_BabyMaxIMG_4735 copyNewborn_Photography_BabyMaxIMG_4712 copyNewborn_Photography_BabyMaxIMG_4469 copyNewborn_Photography_BabyMaxIMG_4646 copyNewborn_Photography_BabyMaxIMG_4676 copyNewborn_Photography_BabyMaxIMG_4599 copyNewborn_Photography_BabyMaxIMG_4568 copyNewborn_Photography_BabyMaxIMG_4523 copyNewborn_Photography_BabyMaxIMG_4549 copyThis dinosaur hat was daddy’s favorite costume as a little boy (the rest of the costume doesn’t fit him anymore), so they wanted to take a picture with baby Max in his little dinosaur hat. How cute is that!? Newborn_Photography_BabyMaxIMG_4753 copyNewborn_Photography_BabyMaxIMG_4457 copyNewborn_Photography_BabyMaxIMG_4382 copyNewborn_Photography_BabyMaxIMG_4407 copy


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  1. Sophie

    These are so awesome! Love this lifestyle newborn session! Looks like you had some amazing light too! Love the shark images with daddy, lol! So cute!

  2. Merima

    Oh my goodness – these goofy and dorky photos are just perfect! I loved the extended family that joined in – lifestyle photography is just priceless. Also, daddy and baby matching shark (or dinosaur?) costumes are the best idea ever!

  3. Rachel Manning

    I love this lifestyle newborn session! You captured the cuteness of the baby boy and the love of his parents and grandparents perfectly. Such sweet light too.

Hey there, I'm Kaori and I love to capture the beauty of every momment.

My passion is to create the most beautiful, genuine and timeless portrait. It gives me  joy to know that these images will be treasured and passed down for generations. I cannot wait to make a beautiful portrait for you!


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