Project 365 | Month 3

Personal 5 comments

Well, thank you for stopping by and checking into a little bit of my life! This month has gone by so quickly. I feel like we’ve spent most of our free time at the field in front of our house. I love gazing up at the sky from this field. The sky seems so big and beautiful from here. I don’t know how many times we’ve stopped and admired how beautiful the clouds and the sunset are.

April is going to be an exciting and amazing month with our baby #3 arriving. It’s funny because I feel ready and not ready at the same time. I feel relaxed and confident and nervous and overwhelmed at the same time. My mom will be here visiting from Japan to help out with the baby. My boys will get to be siblings of three. Lots of new experiences. But for now, I’ve got to focus on bringing him to this outside world, a beautiful birthing experience, for me and for my baby. After that, I will take one day at a time.

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Hue’s been into playing chess and I enjoy playing with him. He used to get very upset and cry whenever he lost but not lately. He is competitive like me.

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Playing with my fish eye lens.

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This boy loves sprinkles! The rest of us felt pretty sick after eating donuts for breakfast (pregnant lady’s choice) but not this boy!
It’s cute what makes a 5 year old so happy.

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Our favorite fruit store, Senor Mangos! They have the best ham tortas and the most delicious fruit salad!

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My boys love to draw Nerf guns. They are very specific to how many bullets it can hold, how long the gun is, and how far the bullet will fly.
Sometimes (most of the time) it is very hard to show my enthusiasm. 🙂

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Egg dying!

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This makes me laugh because this is what I get when I ask my kids to pose for me. “Kai, can you stand there for me? No, not that face!”

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  1. Rachel Manning

    Kaori, I love that you’re doing a Project 365 to document your family. I don’t know how you’re able to stay on top of it while pregnant and taking care of two boys. You’re a super Mom! Such beautiful and creative images. Your boys will love looking back at them when they’re older.

  2. Marie

    These are beautiful lifestyle photos of a gorgeous family! Love the fisheye frames too! Such a fun collection!

  3. Sergey

    Such a fun post! I love looking your 365 project! So many great and fun images!

  4. Derick Le

    Keep up the great work Kaori! Three months down only 9 more to go 🙂

  5. Ashley Hawkes

    This is fantastic! I also have two boys and it is so fun! They love nerf guns, ilk show them your boys creations! I love how you document every day life in these posts. Beautiful!

Hey there, I'm Kaori and I love to capture the beauty of every momment.

My passion is to create the most beautiful, genuine and timeless portrait. It gives me  joy to know that these images will be treasured and passed down for generations. I cannot wait to make a beautiful portrait for you!


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