Wow. Charlie is 6 weeks old now. He is getting oooooooooooold!

Kids are out of school  for the summer. With a newborn in my arms, my life seems busier than ever! This is going to be a true test if I can handle three boys all summer! I am excited to do many fun activities with them and make it a memorable summer for all of us (hopefully without too much whining and screaming on my part ;). The only bummer is cute moments are happening everywhere but I don’t seem to have a camera on me or have the energy to take pictures! I wonder how other mom photographers do this!? I seriously need to think of being an iPhone photographer, or invest in a light weight, not so expensive, yet still fun to mess around camera, like Sony mirrorless?! Any suggestions?

Anyway, we are so in love with baby Charlie. He puts up with tagging along with all of his brothers’ activities. He somehow survives big brothers wrestling, jumping on the bed, and serious Nerf wars! Thank God their darts haven’t hit Charlie’s face yet. We think he really is the cutest baby in the entire universe.


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  1. Angela Beransky

    I love this lifestyle newborn session! all your kids are absolutely adorable and the light is always so good!


    Thank you Angela!!

  3. Marie Monforte

    Wow, these are so beautiful! The one of him yawning, and then the one where he’s looking up/sideways at Daddy kissing his cheek…. and then the ones with big brothers!! It’s too too much cuteness!!! <3

  4. Merima

    These photos are so sweet – it really feels like a day in your life and the photos are just priceless. Thank you for sharing your life with us!

  5. Frank

    Beautiful newborn session! Congratulations on your new baby! So fun following your photos through your Project 365


    Thank you Marie!


    Thank you so much for your comment!


    Thank you Frank!

  9. Ashley

    I LOVE that you take the time to do these pictures of your baby! I KNOW what a sacrifice of time and energy it is to do it but it is such a short time in your life and these moments you captured are so precious! I definitely reserve my “big girl” camera for my professional photography and bigger family adventures, and I use my Iphone to capture the rest! I love getting creative with my iphone and I’m actually able to keep up. Being a mom is tough business! You are not alone! LOOOOVE these pictures!

  10. Ashley D

    Oh wow, these are natural and intimate. I’m sure that this family loves them, so lovely and precious.


    Thanks Ashley! Without this project I would not have taken the time to capture my family images as much. I just suck at iPhone pictures! lol

Hey there, I'm Kaori and I love to capture the beauty of every momment.

My passion is to create the most beautiful, genuine and timeless portrait. It gives me  joy to know that these images will be treasured and passed down for generations. I cannot wait to make a beautiful portrait for you!


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