Project 365 | Month 7

Children & Family Personal

Oh July, I wish you would stay with us forever. It has been the most fun and rewarding summer I’ve ever had! Everyday I get to wake up with my boys and spend all day playing, making nutritious food, going swimming, having lots of silly conversations and having sleepovers with friends. At times it can be challenging with three boys screaming for my attention, but for the most part, we are a great team. I feel so thankful for my life. We are leaving at the end of July for our annual Japan trip and we are so excited!

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Charlie is 2 months old! We love that he is getting chunky before our eyes! He smiles and coos whenever we talk to him. He really is a good baby. <32016 0707 Kaori Devine PhotographyIMG_0483 copy2016 0707 Kaori Devine PhotographyIMG_0526 copy Project365_Month7IMG_0672 copy

This is how Kai entertains baby Charlie. He also sings Hush Little Baby to Charlie whenever he cries.Project365_Month7IMG_0687 copy Project365_Month7IMG_0710 copy


We tried Streetcar Merchants on Hue’s birthday. I felt pretty unhealthy eating a big plate of fried chicken and waffles plus a square donut, but they made our tummy happy. Isn’t that what Sunday is for? Project365_Month7IMG_0775 copy

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Hey there, I'm Kaori and I love to capture the beauty of every momment.

My passion is to create the most beautiful, genuine and timeless portrait. It gives me  joy to know that these images will be treasured and passed down for generations. I cannot wait to make a beautiful portrait for you!


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