Project 365 | Month 12 | Charlie’s First Christmas


Happy New Year!

We had a busy month in December. The Christmas holiday is my boys’ most favorite holiday as you can probably guess. I really hope Hue, being 8, continues to believe in Santa Claus next year. This year I wanted to even step it up more and do a bunch more Christmas activities with them. On top of the Elf On The Shelf tradition, we added an Advent Calendar. I got this beautiful red house with 25 little drawers. I put fun activities in each drawer and boys were excited to open and find what the activity was each morning. The activities included fun stuff like “Eat breakfast in bed”, “Make Christmas Cookies for Santa”, “Watch Christmas Movie and eat popcorn”, or plain old good stuff like “Give hugs to everyone”, “Give complements all day” or “Bring blanket to homeless shelter”. It kept ME and the boys busy! It was fun doing these activities with them. Boys were so into wrapping presents this year. They’ve used up all my wrapping paper and tape, and they kept wrapping their own books so they can open them on Christmas morning as if they were brand new gifts! As for Charlie, he enjoyed looking at the Christmas tree lights, grabbing and hitting the presents or eating the wrapping paper. He can sit on his own without falling now. He really enjoys reaching for anything he can! We had a nice quiet holiday with just the five of us at home. It was perfect! I hope you all had a nice holiday too. Wishing 2017 will bring peace and prosperity to all of you out there.

Thank you so much for following my blog this year and reading my 365 project. It has been hard to keep up but I am so glad I did it because now I have all of these pictures to keep. Maybe my kids will read this blog some day and enjoy seeing themselves too.

Kids enjoyed reading ‘Twas Night Before Christmas with daddy. Charlie was more interested in eating the book.kaoridevinephoto_365month12img_0467kaoridevinephoto_365month12img_0476kaoridevinephoto_365month12img_0483kaoridevinephoto_365month12img_8806kaoridevinephoto_365month12img_8813img_8812-copy
Kai loves making cookies. They tasted so good and boys thought the cookies were beautiful!kaoridevinephoto_365month12img_8925kaoridevinephoto_365month12img_8929kaoridevinephoto_365month12img_8934kaoridevinephoto_365month12img_8953
This is our advent calendar. I love this new tradition! Hue put his Santa letter in front of Elf to see if she would bring it to Santa. She didn’t so he had to mail it.img_7901-copy

Hue’s wish was a bit too ambitious ($700). I think Santa doesn’t have a budget for such expensive toys! I love his drawings though. And I like the “batteries included” part! Someday Hue, you can buy them with your own money!
Elf duty every night was pretty fun. Except one day she forgot to move… The boys said that she liked that spot so much that she came back and sat on the same spot because she moved just tiny bit from the night before. Hue even said that her eyeballs used to look the other way.img_7994-copy
Donuts are Kai’s favorite food! This time I decided to make home-made donuts. My mom used to make them and it was so special. Kai said they were the best donuts ever. How sweet!kaoridevinephoto_365month12img_9765
I have to say, I am a pretty crafty person and I love when both boys really gets into making stuff. kaoridevinephoto_365month12img_8970kaoridevinephoto_365month12img_0460
Hue got a drone for Christmas and he has been non stop! He is so proud of his flying skills. He thinks the drone goes half as high as Cowels Mountain!kaoridevinephoto_365month12img_0506kaoridevinephoto_365month12img_0511kaoridevinephoto_365month12img_0544kaoridevinephoto_365month12img_0516

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