Project 365 | Month 4 | Charlie is 11 month old

Personal 3 comments

This month is going by especially fast because I really want to stop Charlie from becoming a one year old! I don’t know why, but the thought of him growing up makes me happy and a bit panicked at the same time. Maybe because he is my third child and probably my last. I want to enjoy him as a baby as long as possible. Despite my wish, there is no stopping him at this point. He is just go, go, go every moment he is awake. He is such a curious monkey climbing up everywhere and grabbing anything dangerous! Yet we all agree that he is adorable no matter what kind of trouble he is in. We just watch him and make sure he is safe. He crawls with his giant paws slapping the floor as he goes. He is so proud of his royal wave goodbye when his brothers leave for school. His big giggles at peek-a-boo and big sigh after makes us all smile. All of us are in awe of how cute he is. I am so thankful to have three beautiful and healthy boys.KaoriDevinePhoto_IMG_1723 KaoriDevinePhoto_IMG_1640Family_Portrait_Sa_Diego_Day_In_The_LifeIMG_1660  KaoriDevinePhoto_IMG_1672 Family_Portrait_Sa_Diego_Day_In_The_LifeIMG_1717  KaoriDevinePhoto_IMG_1726 KaoriDevinePhoto_IMG_1694KaoriDevinePhoto_IMG_1733 KaoriDevinePhoto_IMG_1770Family_Portrait_Sa_Diego_Day_In_The_LifeIMG_0175_1Family_Portrait_Sa_Diego_Day_In_The_LifeIMG_0199Family_Portrait_Sa_Diego_Day_In_The_LifeIMG_0091_1 Family_Portrait_Sa_Diego_Day_In_The_LifeIMG_0115_1 Family_Portrait_Sa_Diego_Day_In_The_LifeIMG_0163_1

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  1. Marie Monforte

    Awww… almost one year already? That really did fly by! I love all these documentary style photos you’ve captured of your growing baby boy! This period in your lives really is so fleeting and these everyday smiles and tears are what you’re going to want to hang on to! These are such beautiful candid moments!

  2. JL

    Lovely little fellow, great photos, congrats on your 365 🙂

  3. Frank

    I just love your Project 365! So fun watching your kids be kids and gives us a little insight into your daily life. I guess you can say great life photography!!

Hey there, I'm Kaori and I love to capture the beauty of every momment.

My passion is to create the most beautiful, genuine and timeless portrait. It gives me  joy to know that these images will be treasured and passed down for generations. I cannot wait to make a beautiful portrait for you!


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