Letters to my son


Dear Hue,

Happy 9 year old birthday, my sweet big boy Hue.

I don’t know where the time went. Has it been 9 years since you were born? I still remember your little voice singing E-I-E-I-O as a toddler in the back of the car seat. You’ve always been so gentle and easy going with everyone around you. You are naturally compassionate towards other kids and adults. You have a positive feeling towards people you meet. I admire that very much. When you saw a kid with three fingers, you said “That kid is magic. He could do everything with three fingers. He could do monkey bars better than most other kids”. When I was having a hard time relating to one of your teachers, you said “I am lucky because I always end up with the best teachers”. I knew then, that he is going to be okay.

You are still the best eater around. You’ve never stopped eating since when you were a baby! You often times ask me “What is for dinner?” when we just came back from eating. I love cooking for you because you always love my food. I love your uncontrollable giggle. When that happens, your eyes will glow and you are having the best time. I want happiness in you more than anything in the world. Keep giggling Hue!

You are going back and forth between a carefree little boy and a serious big boy who is concerned about what is happening in the world. Nine years old is such a cool age. I wish I could hang on to your innocence a little longer. How long more do you believe in Santa Clause? The other night we were reading your favorite Santa book, you were telling me that there is no way elves can make all the presents for every kid in the world. That’s why Santa had to buy your gift from Amazon last year. I know you are slightly losing faith in Santa because the scooter he got you broke within a day last year and he still hasn’t brought you any of your imaginative super car concepts you come up with. Santa needs to up his game!

Hue, I enjoy hanging out with you and talking about stuff. Thanks for letting me snuggle up with you at night. I love you so much.



Pictures below are Hue and his new obsession, Arrma Talion. He saved up for almost two years to get this toy.

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