Project 365 | Month 8 |


Charlie is 16 months. He is officially fast walking everywhere and reaching for anything that he can grab. His favorite places are: the garage (all the big boy toys are there!), the kitchen (especially in the dish washer and pantry) and bathroom (who doesn’t like to explore all things in this room!?). I have to really follow him everywhere he goes. Our house is pretty much baby proofed, but this baby is breaking all kinds of baby rules. He is definitely more skilled and tactful than my other boys were at this age. Good thing he is cute.


We went to the beach a lot this summer. Boys are getting so good at boogie boarding. I just love seeing them run around and being kids. The sound of the waves and the warmth of the sunset makes the beach a happy place for me.

We moved all of the big boy toys to the garage and my husband laid a thick carpet down. Boys will hang out there doing their Legos, Nerf wars, fort making, video gaming and who knows what. Kai even plays “wall ball” against the old refrigerator. Charlie is so happy being a part of his big brothers so I let him play in the garage once in a while.

Hue and Kai played basketball for the first time this summer. Both boys did great. I was very proud of them! We are sad that the summer is now gone, but we had a great summer. We played hard, and made lots of great memories with family and friends! Good bye summer. Here we come, new school year!

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Hey there, I'm Kaori and I love to capture the beauty of every momment.

My passion is to create the most beautiful, genuine and timeless portrait. It gives me  joy to know that these images will be treasured and passed down for generations. I cannot wait to make a beautiful portrait for you!


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