San Diego Family Photographer | Harris Family | Old Poway Park

Children & Family

Hi everyone! This is the Harris family. One year ago, little Hannah became a big sister. A big sister of two little baby girls all at once! How lucky!

I got to see the Harris family for their Maternity session, Newborn session and lastly, this Christmas session. Check out the link if you are interested in seeing the twins Newborn photos here. I feel like a year has flown by so fast! I cannot believe the twins are already walking! They were so adorable! I cannot wait to see them next time and see more of their personalities. This session at Old Poway Park was their last one of their Baby Plan Package, documenting their baby’s growth for the entire year. I am so happy to know that all of these images will be archived as part of their family history.

Thank you beautiful Harris family for choosing me to be your family photographer. I enjoyed hanging out with you all!

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Hey there, I'm Kaori and I love to capture the beauty of every momment.

My passion is to create the most beautiful, genuine and timeless portrait. It gives me  joy to know that these images will be treasured and passed down for generations. I cannot wait to make a beautiful portrait for you!


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