Senior Portraits San Diego
If you are a senior in high school and you are planning a photo shoot with a musical instrument, the following are some things you should prepare for:
Pick the Right Place: You should pick a location that looks good against your music instrument and fits the theme of your photo shoot. If you play the harp or guitar, for instance, a park or other outdoor space with trees or other greenery can be a great setting. For this photoshoot, we picked Balboa Park, Admin Building.
Dress to Impress: Pick an outfit that goes well with both the venue and your instrument. You may want to wear something more formal or elegant if you are playing a traditional instrument like a cello or violin. You might want to dress more casually if you’re playing a modern instrument like an electric guitar.
Bring Your Playing Gear: Bring your music instrument and any necessary accessories, like a chair, case or stand, to the photo shoot. In the event that something malfunctions or breaks, you might also want to bring additional strings or other supplies. For this photoshoot, they brought a special dolly to transport the harp from their van to the location!
Practice: Make sure to practice before the photo shoot if you intend to play your instrument. Not only will this help you get more natural and authentic shots, but it will also ensure that you feel comfortable and confident. Miss V in these photos played a song for me and my jaw almost dropped because it was so beautiful!
Utilize an Expert Photographer: Hiring a professional photographer who has worked on senior photoshoots before can help make sure you get high-quality photos that show off your personality and talents to the fullest.
Keep in mind that this is your senior photo session, so don’t be afraid to be imaginative and have fun! Your music instrument can give your photos a unique and personal touch that you will treasure for years to come.