by Kaori Devine Photography Mar 29 2016 Featured Maternity & Newborn
Oh baby Elijah you are one adorable baby! I love how this lifestyle newborn session turned out. What a sweet little person he is. I very much enjoyed meeting his parents and hanging out with the three of them at their home. When I do a lifestyle newborn session I
by Kaori Devine Photography Mar 8 2016 Maternity & Newborn
Meet baby Max. He is only 10 days old! I met him for the first time at Fresh48 newborn session a few weeks ago. He was so calm happy and content that I knew he was going to be one of those easy going babies. I was right. This time too Max was so cute chubby and
by Kaori Devine Photography Mar 1 2016 Featured Maternity & Newborn
Good morning! Last week I got to take pictures of this brand new baby. His name is Max and this is his second day out in the world! Every time I go to a hospital to do Fresh48 (hours) newborn session it makes me realize how special it is that I get to document the
Kaori Devine Photography Feb 23 2016 Personal
Hi everyone this is month 2 of my Project 365! Enjoy! My boys rarely take baths nowadays since it’s much quicker for them to take showers all by themselves. So this was a special day they got to play in the tub like old times. It made me wonder when was the
Kaori Devine Photography Jan 30 2016 Personal
I have always wanted to do “project 365” which is a photo a day for a full year. I have never attempted anything like this before and I am afraid that I will fail. So I came up with this very convenient and fail proof rule for myself. I am going to do as much